Strandlengjan, Frumdrög, Edited by the Association of Reykjavík Sculptors. Exh. cat. the Association of Reykjavík Sculptors/ Reykjavík Arts Festival 1998 (Reykjavík, 1998)   Paradise?—When? Exh. cat. Reykjavík Art Museum—Kjarvalsstaðir (Reykjavík, 1998)

Strandlengjan, Frumdrög, Edited by the
Association of Reykjavík Sculptors. Exh.
cat. the Association of Reykjavík Sculptors/
Reykjavík Arts Festival 1998 (Reykjavík, 1998)


Paradise?—When? Exh. cat. Reykjavík Art
Museum—Kjarvalsstaðir (Reykjavík, 1998)