Careof DOCVA hosts the collective exhibition SOCIAL VIDEOSCAPES FROM THE NORTH focused on the nordic video production.
September 18. to October 26. 2013
The exhibition is part of the inquiry, started by Careof early in 2013, on languages, poetics and protagonists of the video in the international arena.
Social Videoscapes from the North, curated by Lorella Scacco, presents in Milan the video production of five famous artists: Maria Friberg (Sweden), Siri Hermansen (Norway), Eva Koch (Denmark), Rúrí (Iceland), Mika Taanila (Finland).
The artworks are framed in a single project on one of the defining themes of the video production of the Nordic Countries: the attention to the social landscape.
Starting from the relationship between man and society, each artist declines the theme according to his poetry, while maintaining the common denominator of a documentary approach to the narrative.