RÚRÍ – And Now What? / E Agora?
International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture – MIEC
Santo Tirso, Portugal
March 10th – June 25th 2023
RÚRÍ – And Now What? / E Agora?
International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture – MIEC
Santo Tirso, Portugal
March 10th – June 25th 2023
Rúrí – Glassrain / Glerregn
The National Gallery of Iceland
March 4th to September 17th 2023
The exhibition has been prolonged to October 1st.
Glassrain is an installation from 1984, one of the first of Rúrí‘s many works that address the theme of time and menace. Glassrain comprises 500 razor-sharp fragments of glass, each ending in a point; the glass sheets, of variable length, hang in clusters from ceiling to floor. Each piece is suspended on a clear thread, and when a visitor walks past the piece, air currents lead the glass pieces to turn on their threads.
Curator: Vigdís Rún Jónsdóttir
RÚRÍ – And Now What? / E Agora?
International Museum of Contemporary Sculpture – MIEC
Santo Tirso, Portugal
March 10th – June 25th 2023
Solo exhibition of Rúrí’s works reflecting on some aspects of global warming.In connection with the exhibition the museum will publish a book on the artworks exhibited and the oeuvre of he artist.
Curator: Álvaro Moreira
Authors: Pari Stave, Álvaro Moreira
Something is About To Happen – Það liggur í loftinu
Exhibition – Korpúlfsstadir – Hlöduloftid
Thorsvegur 1, 112 Reykjavik
March 4. – 26.
Works by Þór Vigfússon – Níels Hafstein – Rúrí
Opening Saturday March 4th at 16:00
Open Thursdays 17:00 – 19:00, Weekends 13:00 – 17:00
Nr. 4 Umhverfing
The Westfjord Peninsula, Iceland
Opening in June 2022
The exhibition venue is a combination of unconventional exhibition spaces both indoor and outdoor locations that are spread all around the peninsula, also stretching into the adjoining ‘Vesturland area’. The scale of the exhibition is unpresedented in Iceland. In all there are 125 artists participating with their artworks.
Vinsamlegast farið yfir á enskan hluta síðunnar til að fá upplýsingar um nýjustu viðburði.
Elegy, 2000
Museum, 1987
Hlöðuloftið, Korpúlfsstaðir
Thorsvegur 1, 112 Reykjavík
The exhibition period is April 23rd to May 15th 2022,
Opening on Saturday April 23rd at 14:00 – 18:00
Open Saturdays and Sundays from 13:00 till 18:00
Saturday May 14th open from 15:00 to 18:00
The present conflict in Ukraine is once again a threatening reminder of the possibility of nuclear war.
At Korpúlfsstaðir, Rúrí has installed two works about the devastations of war: Elegy, 2000, a documentary film made in the aftermath of the Bosnian War, and Museum, 1987, an installation that imagines an archaeology of a future, uninhabited planet. These poignant works from the artist’s archive embody in a timely way many of the concerns about inhumanity, injustice, and destruction addressed throughout Rúrí’s important and groundbreaking artistic practice.
Curator: Pari Stave
Are you glad if you can ask something?
Networking between East and North
LA Art Museum, Hveragerdi Iceland
June 4th- September 4th 2022
Avant-garde artists from the Eastern Bloc wanted to connect to the Western art world in the sixties and seventies. At the same time, Icelandic art scene was opening to Fluxus and mail art due to the widespread networking by the artists and galleries such as SÚM and Gallery Suðurgata 7. This two-sided attempt to connect resulted in lively correspondence and a few exhibitions by Hungarian artists.
Represented artists: Eggert Pétursson, Endre Tot, Gábor Attalai, Géza Perneczky, Ingólfur Arnarsson, Kristján Guðmundsson, Rúrí, Sigurður Guðmundsson.
Curator: Zsóka Leposa, Co-curator: László Százados
LISTVAL Christmas Exhibition
Harpa Concert Hall
Austurbakki 2, 101 Reykjavik
December 4th – 29th 2021
Listval opens its Christmas exhibition at Harpa Concert Hall on December 4th. with artworks by 70 artists.
Among these are works by the Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir and Rúrí and many more.
Info at: Listval
December 2nd to 29th 2021
Hafnartorg – Tryggvagata 21, Reykjavik
Multis specializes in multiples by contemporary artists.
Among the exhibitiong artists are: Guðjón Ketilsson, Steingrímur Eyfjörð, Rúrí, Ingunn Fjóla Ingþórsdóttir, The Icelandic Love Corpotration and many more.
Some of Rúrí’s multiples from the periode 1998 to 2020 are presented at the exhibition.
Info at: MULTIS
Interview on RÚV radio station
by Gudni Tómasson with Rúrí
2. okt. 2021
Barn tímans að þessu sinni er myndlistarmaðurinn Rúrí: Listen
Umsjón: Guðni Tómasson.
Önnur sería – 3. þáttur
Börn tímans eru listamenn sem náð hafa viðurkenningu og góðum árangri í listsköpun sinni. Í hverjum þætti er rætt við listamann á heimavelli og spurt hvað drífur þig áfram, hver eru viðfangsefnin og áskoranirnar og hvað gerir leitina að inntaki listarinnar þess virði að haldið er í hana.
Tónlistin í þættinum er eftir Benjamin Britten.
Matthew Dols interview with
Multi-Media Artist, Rúrí (Iceland)
We discussed: how she made a museum, Public art, percent for the arts, politics of the arts, gender issues in the arts, legacy planning, and issues of fame.
Listen to the interview here MP3
People + Places mentioned:
Audio editing by Jakub Černý
Music by Peat Biby
Supported in part by: EEA Grants from Iceland, Liechtenstein + Norway – https://eeagrants.org And we appreciate the assistance of our partners in this project: Hunt Kastner – https://huntkastner.com + Kunstsentrene i Norge – https://www.kunstsentrene.no
Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome
October 12, 2021 – February 27, 2022
Curated by Paola Bonani, Francesca Rachele Oppedisano and Laura Perrone.
Algorithms that use error as a system for generating forms, synthetic biological apparatuses, intuitive eukaryote microbes and artificial intelligences, territorial transformation processes, desertification, space exploration and Martian panoramas. The research of the artists involved in the T Zero exhibition is configured as a venue for debate, for discarding or overturning the themes and paradigms of our contemporary world: profiling and automation, the frontiers of medical genetics, global warming, ecological reconversion, forecasting models and spillover. Through direct collaboration with scientists and research institutes, and making the best possible use of the sweeping opportunities offered by technology, these artists transcend the current moment of applied research and using the imaginative strength proper to the work of art they configure unique and occasionally dystopic visions of the potential future.
Exhibiting artists:
Adelita Husni-Bey, Agnes Denes, Albrecht Dürer, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Alighiero Boetti, Antony Gormley, Carsten Nicolai, Channa Horwitz, Christian Mio Loclair, Daniel Steegman Mangrané, Dora Budor, Gino De Dominicis, Giuseppe Penone, Gustav Metzger, Hicham Berrada, Jenna Sutela, Nancy Holt, Pierre Huyghe, Rachel Rose, Revital Cohen, Richard Mosse, Robert Smithson, Roman Ondak, Roman Opałka, Rudolf Steiner, Rúrí, Ryoji Ikeda, Sissel Tolaas, Tacita Dean, Tega Brain, Troika, Tuur van Balen.
ABRAKADABRA – The Magic of Contemporary Art
Reykjavik Art Museum – Hafnahus, Reykjavik
October 30. 2021 – March 20. 2022
In this diverse exhibition, new works by contemporary artists are presented especially with children and young people in mind. The works are all in the collection of the Reykjavík Art Museum. Presentation, mediation and education aims to open up the world of art as it appears today for younger audiences. Along with the exhibition, there is a rich program as well as digital dissemination. “Abrakadabra” is a word deriving from ancient languages that means: What I say becomes a reality. This is a magic word that describes how artists’ ideas become works of art. …
Exhibiting Artists:
Alicja Kwade, Anna Júlía Friðbjörnsdóttir, Anna Hallin, Anna Líndal, Auður Lóa Guðnadóttir, Baldur Geir Bragason, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Fritz Hendrik IV, Guðný Guðmundsdóttir, Heimir Björgúlfsson, Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir, Hildur Bjarnadóttir, Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir/Shoplifter, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Karin Sander, Katrín Elvarsdóttir, Katrín Sigurðardóttir, Kristján Steingrímur Jónsson, Leifur Ýmir Eyjólfsson, Logi Leó Gunnarsson, Magnús Helgason, Matthías Rúnar Sigurðsson, Margrét H. Blöndal, Melanie Ubaldo, Ólöf Nordal, Ragnheiður Gestsdóttir, Rúrí, Steingrímur Eyfjörð Kristmundsson, Unndór Egill Jónsson.
more: www English
Counter Cartographies: Living the Land
Anchorage Museum
On view Oct. 8, 2021 — Sept. 25, 2022
Counter Cartographies: Living the Land presents contemporary artworks that examine our relationship to land, proposing alternative ways of thinking about and experiencing the landscape around us. Artists draw attention to the way culture, identity, emotion, ancestry, displacement, power and colonization shape and inform our understanding of land.
Curator: Francesca DuBrock
Among the exhibiting artists are: Joar Nango, Outi Pieski, Rúrí, Ingo Günther, Hans Ragnar Mathisen, Nikita Gale, Tanya Linklater, Camille Turner, Amalie Atkins, Christina Seely, Tania Willard
more on: Counter Cartographies: Living the Land
The Anchorage Museum is a founding member of the Northern Art Network, an association of museums and cultural institutions throughout the Circumpolar North.
Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, Alaska
November 6, 2020 closing in September 2021
Rúrí will be represented in the exhibition with an installation.
Curator: Francesca Du Brock
Artists, mothers, scientists and makers included in this exhibition testify to the vital role that both Indigenous and newcomer women have held, and continue to hold, in Northern communities. Women’s voices and visions provide rich ground for imagining a future guided by principles of gender equity, sustainability and strength.
represented artists:
more on the: exhibition
(March 21st to September 21st 2020)
June 12th to October 4th 2020
Curators: Jean-Marie Gallais, Head of Programming Centre Pompidou-Metz,
and Marie- Charlotte Calafat, Head of the History Department Mucem
A work by Rúrí will be among the exhibited artworks.
From the introduction: The exhibition opens on the fantasy of a search for origins, the appeal of an “exoticism of the interior”, or of supposed archaic throw-backs which guide Paul Gauguin, Paul Sérusier and les Nabis in Brittany at the end of the 19th century, Wassily Kandinsky and Gabriele Münter when they establish themselves in Bavaria or indeed Constantin Brâncuși, recalling the craft traditions of his native country. The paradoxes rapidly come to the surface from a domain frequently associated with nationalistic claims, or instrumentalised by a political discourse – tensions at the heart of the initiatives of artists such as Jimmie Durham, Valentin Carron, Melanie Manchot or Amy O’Neill.
see more: Folklore
New dates: due to Covid-19
MUCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations), Marseille
October 21st 2020 to February 22nd 2021
The exhibition Folklore is planned to continue at Mucem after Centre Pompidou-Metz.
Curators: Jean-Marie Gallais, Head of Programming Centre Pompidou-Metz,
and Marie- Charlotte Calafat, Head of the History Department Mucem
Safnasafnið / The Icelandic Folk and Outsider Art Museum
Svalbardseyri, Akureyri, Iceland
June 6. to September 13th 2020
The exhibition draws predominantly on the Museum’s collection, with the objective of showcasing art works and objects by a large number of artists and makers, and their ideas, methods and choice of materials. Some of them were invited to submit works to the show. Certain pieces in the collection are of such a nature that they hardly belong on display, except within the context of a specific theme, as they do not stand on their own. But they deserve to be given an opportunity, as they may offer an unexpected element that serves to support some more spectacular piece.
The exhibition comprices 110 artworks and objects by 88 artists. Among the exhibited works is a piece by Rúrí.
Curator: Níels Hafstein
The artwork Fyssa / Waterfall by Rúrí, is restarted each year as a part of the official celebration of the coming of summer, on the ‘First Day of Summer’.
This year the First Day of Summer is on April 23.
The work which was inaugurated in 1995 is owned by the Reykjavík City, and guarded by the Reykjavik Art Museum.
Due to Covid-19 quarantine, there were no public gatherings to celebrate the event.
see a video from the restarting 2020
Following the exceptional measures announced by the French government, the Centre Pompidou-Metz will be closed from Saturday, March 14th until further notice.
Due to the government actions on Covid-19 Coronavirus, all events are cancelled and will be postponed later.
Reykjavík Iceland
10. January – 23. February 2020
Featured artists: Douwe Jan Bakker, G.Erla –Guðrún Erla Geirsdóttir,
Mihael Milunović, Rúrí
Curator: Birkir Karlsson
more: The Living Art Museum
image: from Desolation, 1987 by Rúrí
The Felleshus – Cultural Centre
The Nordic Embassies, Berlin
18. OKT. 2019 to 30. JAN. 2020
The exibition on the 20th anniversary exhibition of the Nordic Embassies in Berlin questions our relationship with the sea and allows us to change our perspective: Ocean Dwellers.
The exhibition presents a selection of art installations and artistic laboratories from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden that bring together art, science and science fiction. They turn the Felleshus into a place of marine life and ask: What would it mean to adopt a marine worldview?
Artists: Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir (IS), Johannes Heldén (SE), Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta- Kalleinen (FIN), Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology (LABAE; DK), Andrew Merrie & Simon Stålenhag (Radical Ocean Futures; SE), Jacob Remin (DK), Kirstine Roepstorff (DK), Rúrí (IS), Elsa Salonen (FIN), Sissel Tolaas (NO), Jana Winderen (NO).
Curated by Solvej Helweg Ovesen (DK).
more: Ocean Dwellers
‘Konst-tid’ / Art-Time
Edsåsdalen, Sweden
IntraGalactic arts collective five years
2. – 4. August 2019
IntraGalactic arts collective celebrates having existed as a platform for dialogue and processes for 5 years with an art weekend in Edsåsdalen 2-4 August. We are starting off the weekend with a live press producing our Jubilee Pamphlet along the bespoke Rose Gin Cocktail designed by IntraGalactic arts collective. On Saturday the exhibition opens followed by a conversation on ‘What does performance do?’. On Sunday we close the weekend with an outdoor live performance series on the art trail moving through the varied mountainside landscape.
Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole, Ana Maria Almada de Alvarez, Suzanna Asp, Anna Asplind, Felipe Castelblanco, Tilda Dalunde, Ulrika Gomm, Emma Hammarén, Maria Högbacke, Eva Ísleifs, Katrín Jónsdóttir Hjördísardóttir, Daphné Keramidas, Rebecka Digby, Rami Khoury, Magnús Logi Kristinsson, Rikke Lundgreen, Rossana Mercado-Rojas, Ruben Montini, Alicja Rogalska, Rúrí, Helen Smith, Malin Ståhl, Robel Temesgen, Hiroko Tsuchimoto & Hans Christian van Nijkerk, Anita Wernström.
Lars Nittve with Magnús Logi Kristinsson, Rikke Lundgreen, Rossana Mercado-Roja, Malin Ståhl and Anita Wernström.
Studio Stafn
Reykjavik, Iceland
July – August 2019
Selected artworks by Rúrí are exhibited at Studio Stafn.
The oldest works date back to 1990, while others are as recent as 2019. The concept is ethical values or measurable-values, while others refer to nature-values. Some of these works are being premiered in Iceland on this occasion.
Studio Stafn, Háatúun 6B, 105 Reykjavik
The exhibition NR3 Umhverfing
Along the coasts of Snaefellsnes Peninsula, Iceland
Opening June 22. 2019
closing date August 31.
The exhibition Nr3 Umhverfing / No3 Around hosts artworks by seventy one artist, among these are Kjartan Ragnarsson, Erró, Dieter Roth, Björn Roth, Kristján Gudmundsson, Sigurdur Gudmundsson, Rúrí and many more.
The project is curated by Anna Eyjólfs, Ragnhildur Stefánsdóttir and Thordis Alda Sigurdardóttir, it is organised by the Academy of Senses in collaboration with local authorities.
The exhibited works are to be found in public places, indoors and outdoors, in every village along the shores of the Snaefellsnes peninsula and occasionally in churches and in private farms as well. At the information centre Breidablik on the south side of the peninsula is an exhibition of information by each individual artist. There one can find an information pamphlet on the location of each artwork, as well as the catalogue of the exhibition.
The Umhverfing project aims at exhibiting works of contemporary artists in alternative spaces in the countryside of Iceland. The exhibition NR3 Umhverfing is the third of a series of large exhibitions in Iceland. The project started in 2017, with NR1 Umhverfing in Saudarkrokur in the north of Iceland and NR2 Umhverfing was held in Egilsstadir in the east of the country in 2018.
Murder Magazine launch party
Gaga Los Angeles
2228 West 7th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90057
Jun 18, 6 PM – 9 PM
Originally founded in Reykjavik it is now
made in Los Angeles and locally printed in a
limited edition of 100 copies.
Murder Magazine is carefully edited and cu-
rated and displays the works raw in the page, like an exhibition in print.
The event will be celebrating the launch
Issue no.3 BLOOD/HOME featuring
works by Nan Goldin, Silvia Gruner, Jen-
ny Holzer, Kara Walker, Ida Ekblad, Deana
Lawson, Forugh Farrokzhad, Maggie Nelson,
Warshan Shire, Eileen Myles among many
others, i.e. yours truly – Rúrí
Isle of Art, book launch
May 28th
Nýlistasafnið/ The Living Art Museum, The Marshall house, Reykjvaik
A journey through
Iceland’s art scene
A compendium of visits around the island, this is the first book of its kind, featuring 256 pages mapping out Iceland’s artistic landscape by introducing its key artists, curators, framers, collectors and gallerists as well as art spaces, outdoor artworks and museums. Discover the capital’s buzzing art life as well as art projects in abandoned lighthouses, an artist colony in the island’s far-away east and what it means to live, work, and create on a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean.
Edited by Sarah Schug
ISBN: 978-94-6388081-7
About: Isle of Art
Booklaunch of Offentlighedens rum (The Public Space), Dansk Arkitektur Center – DAC: Bryghuspladsen 10, 1473 Copenhagen,
6 June 2019, 16:30-18:30
Editors: Tora Frogner, Vincent F. Hendricks, Frederik Stjernfelt, and Joachim S. Wiewiura.
The book contains contributions from artists such as: Olafur Eliasson, Mamma Andersson, Tal R, Merethe Lindstrøm, Carl-Henning Wijkmark, SUPERFLEX feat. Toke Lykkeberg, Ragnar Kjartansson, Juhani Pallasmaa, Madame Nielsen, Frode Grytten, Sjón, Dorte Mandrup, Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold, Martin Bigum, Steinunn Thórarinsdóttir, Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen, Johan Dehlin, Dark Matters, Charlotte Gyllenhammar, Ólöf Nordal, Edith Lundebrekke, Kjetil Trædal Thorsen, Kaarina Kaikkonen, Shwan Dler Qaradaki, Dominique Hauderowicz & Kristian Ly Serena, Meriç Algün and Rúrí.
Published by Forlaget Møllegades Boghandel
ISBN 13: 9788797128701
More: The Book Launch
Fyssa, an outdoor work of art by Rúrí, will be restarted again after six years of silence, on the first day of summer 25th of April 2019 at 13:00. The mayor of Reykjavík, Dagur B. Eggertsson, will re-inaugurate the artwork. Brassband Lúðraflokkur lýðveldisins will play music and Artist Rúrí will talk about her work.
Everybody is welcome!
(Announcement from the Reykjavik Art Museum)
Gerdarsafn – Kopavogur Art Museum, Iceland,
April 6. – June 2.
The exhibition Outline shows works from the collection of Gerðarsafn from 1950 until this day. In the exhibition, the outline becomes the connection between works in different mediums.
A line flows between drawings, paintings and prints and the outline gains a life of it´s own in the form of sculptures and installations. The outline becomes all at once: the thread connecting the works, the boarder and the infinite.
The exhibition is part of +The Collection, where visitors are invited to look behind the scenes and learn about the inner workings of the museum. The works will be researched in full view and an archive will grow during the exhibition. Outline presents artworks along with hand-drawn instructions, photographs, interviews with artists and catalogues ofworks.
Anna Hallin | Barbara Árnason | Gerður Helgadóttir | Hólmfríður Árnadóttir| Hrafnkell Sigurðsson | Hreinn Friðfinnsson | Katrín Sigurðardóttir | Kristján Davíðsson | Rúrí | Theresa Himmer | Valgerður Briem
Brynja Sveinsdóttir & Hrafnhildur Gissurardóttir
Art For Arctic’s Sake
Fordham University, Ildiko Butler Gallery
113West 60th Street, New York, NY 10023
Nov. 7th 2018 – Jan. 15th 2019
Opening Reception November 7th 6-8 pm
represented artists:
Brian Adams, James Balog, Subhankhar Banerjee, Janet Biggs, Elaine Byrne, Bill Hess, Adam D.J. Laity, Rúrí, Jessica Segall, Carleen Sheehan, Peggy Weil.
Exhibition organized by students of Fordham University with Jo Anna Isaak, Carleen Sheehan and Katherina Fostano.
Online catalogue will be available at: contemporaryart.ace.fordham.edu
Färgfabriken, Stockholm, Sweden
October 19-21 2018
The artists: Diana Agunbiade-Kolawole (SWE/UK), Jessie Kleemann (GR), Harold Offeh (UK), Katarina Pirak-Sikku (Sápmi), Florence Peake & Eve Stainton (UK), Rúrí (ICE), Malin Ståhl (SWE), Anita Wernström (SWE).
Seminar and discussions October 21st at 13-15.
more: Termining
more: Faculty of Action
MAMAC – Le musée d’Art moderne et d’Art contemporain
Nice, France,
9 juin – 16 septembre 2018
Curators: Hélène Guenin, directrice du MAMAC, assistée de Rébecca François.
Artistes : Marina Abramovic, Dove Allouche, Giovanni Anselmo, Davide Balula, Hicham Berrada, Michel Blazy, Marinus Boezem, Boyle Family, John Cage, Charlotte Charbonnel, Judy Chicago, Emma Dajska, Edith Dekyndt, Agnes Denes, Quentin Derouet, Noël Dolla, Piero Gilardi, Andy Goldsworthy, Hans Haacke , Ilana Halperin, Peter Hutchinson, Yves Klein, Irene Kopelman, Tetsumi Kudo, Maria Laet , Barbara et Michael Leisgen, Anthony Mc Call , Susana Mejia, Ana Mendieta, Bernard Moninot, Teresa Murak, Maurizio Nannucci, Otobong Nkanga, Yoko Ono, Denis Oppenheim, Gina Pane, Giuseppe Penone, Evariste Richer, Charles Ross, Vivien Roubaud, Rúrí, Tomas Saraceno, Charles Simonds, Michelle Stuart, Thu-Van Tran, Nicolas Uriburu, Capucine Vandebrouck, Maarten Vanden Eynde.
more: MAMAC
Blossoming | Iceland’s 100 Years as a Sovereign State
National Gallery of Iceland,
July 17. to December 16. 2018
An exhibition celebrating the centenary of Icelandic independence and sovereignty will open in July. Among the exhibited artworks is a work by Rúrí: That Day …
The exhibition Ymissa kvikinda liki / Other Hats
at the National Gallery of Iceland
12.5.2018 – 23.9.2018, Listasafn Íslands
Other Hats: Icelandic Printmaking was exhibited in the spring 2017 in International Print Center, New York.
The exhibition features the work of prominent Icelandic artists Arnar Herbertsson, Birgir Andrésson, Eygló Harðardóttir, Georg Guðni Hauksson, Guðjón Ketilsson, Hallgrímur Helgason, Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson, Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir, Hrafnkell Sigurðsson, Katrín Sigurðardóttir, Kristján Davíðsson, Megas (Magnús Þór Jónsson), Sara Riel, Rúna, Rúrí, Sigurður Árni Sigurðsson, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir, Þóra Sigurðardóttir, and Valgerður Guðlaugsdóttir. Also included are works by Dieter Roth, Per Kirkeby, and Roni Horn, artists who are connected to Iceland.
Co-curated by Ingibjörg Johannsdottir, a master printmaker and school headmaster, and Pari Stave, a museum administrator and freelance curator in New York
Hverfing | Shapeshifting
Reykjavik Art Museum
May 3. 2018, at 17:00
The book Hverfing | Shapeshifting is a follow up on an exhibition of the same title, that was held at Verksmidjan at Hjalteyri, a remote village on the north of Iceland in 2017.
A Book Lunch of the new art book Hverfing | Shapeshifting was held in The Reykjavik Art Museum – Hafnarhus Thursday the 3. of May.
Published by the Academy of the Senses, editors Pari Stave and Rúrí, design Sigrun Sigvaldadottir / Hunang.
Featured artists: Anna Eyjólfsdóttir, Alex Czetwertynski, Deborah Butterfield, Emma Ulen-Klees, Gústav Geir Bollason, Hunter Buck, Jessica Stockholder, John Buck, Kristín Reynisdóttir, Mary Ellen Croteau, Pétur Thomsen, Ragnhildur Stefánsdóttir, Rúrí and Þórdís Alda Sigurðardóttir.
The book can be ordered from the Reykjavik Art Museum.
They will ship internationally: listasafn@reykjavik.is
Artists have, with their art, greatly influenced man´s connection to his environment. This exhibition focuses on the values of Icelanders in relation to nature and the connection to country’s wilderness.
The exhibition is a part of Reykjavík Art Festival 2018.
This extensive exhibition contains work by artists who have been influential in Icelandic art history from the beginning of the 20th century to the present time.
Among the artworks presented are works by; Þórarinn B. Þorláksson, Ásgrímur Jónsson, Jóhannes S. Kjarval, Jón Stefánsson, Kristín Jónsdóttir, Ósk Vilhjálmsdóttir, Anna Líndal, Ólafur Elíasson, Einar Falur Ingólfsson, Rúrí, Georg Guðni, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Sigurður Guðjónsson
Late January 2018 AWARE honoured the work of Rúrí by publishing an article on their website …
Icelandic multimedia visual artist.
Rúrí has explored almost all of the artistic mediums: painting, sculpture, writing, photography, film, multimedia installations and performance art. After studying at the Reykjavík School of Fine Arts and the Vrije Academie in The Hague, she began a career underpinned by a critical approach to society with her performance Golden Car (1974), in which Iceland discovered a frail young woman destroying a golden Mercedes with a sledgehammer. This symbolic aspect of her activism …
Women artists are under-represented, if not completely absent, in art books, exhibitions and museum collections.
AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions is a non-profit organisation, co-founded in 2014 by Camille Morineau, art historian and specialist in the history of women artists. Its goal is the creation, indexation and distribution of information on women artists of the 20th century, backed by 4 programmes:
Who are They?
AWARE’s website is an online resource available to everyone. It is complemented by a documentation centre in Paris – the AWARE (Lab).
DIFFUSES SELBST Dieter Roth und andere Gescheiterte
LOFT Raum für Kunst & Gegenwart
Ansbach, Germany
December 2. 2017 to February 18. 2018
Opening: Friday December 1st, 17:00 – 20:00.
A special exhibition with artworks from two private collect-ions on the occasion of the 5-year existence of the LOFT
With works by: Al Hansen Dick Higgins, Dieter Roth, Hermann Nitsch, Horace Clifford Westermann, Jörg Immendorf, Jón Laxdal, Jón Sæmundur Auðarson, Marcia Herscovitz, Nancy Reitkopf, Ómar Stefánsson, Tobias Regensburger, Rúrí, Wolf Vostell and more …
more: LOFT Raum für Kunst & Gegenwart
Sagas on Thin Ice
The Bakehouse Arts Complex , Miami, US
On-View: November 18th to January 21st 2018
Curated by Ombretta Agró Andruff/Audrey Love Gallery
Featuring: Rúrí, Ósk Vilhjálmsdóttir, Kjánska Collective, Bryndís Snæbjörnsdóttir & Mark Wilson, Anna Líndal.
The six artists/collective in this exhibition have taken upon themselves to comment, highlight and often take an activist stand against those who threaten these stunning yet fragile ecosystems, and document how climate change, often fueled by human actions driven by economic interests, is impacting the natural environment, at home and abroad, with potentially disastrous and irreversible consequences.
La artista islandesa Rúri protagoniza el taller
“Cities Recycled” en la Universidad de Alicante
Alicante. Monday, 6 November 2017.
The workshop organised by the Delegation of Students of the Upper Polytechnical School of the UA tackles the consequences for the human habitats of the global warming and the architectural alternatives
The Icelandic artist Rúrí is the protagonist of the workshop that have organised along this week from the Delegation of Students of the Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad de Alicante under the title of ‘Cities Recycled’. The project centres in the global warming and its affectation and consequences for the human habitats.
The students treated to resolve the problems to which will have to face up the humanity like consequence of the elevation of the level of the oceans and the need to move whole cities to locations between 30 and 70 higher metres.
The workshop, that has begun this Monday and will lengthen until next Friday, will divide to the students in small groups that worked each one of the main appearances of the project which will force them to think in the resources hídricos that will see affected by the rise of the level of the sea; the feeding; the energy, avoiding the nuclear and the based in the coal; design of ecological structures of the constructions; the materials of construction and also the means of transport.
The workshop will finalise the Friday with the conference of the Icelandic artist Rúri from the 16.30 hours in the living room of acts of the building of the Polytechnical I.
Since Then
Kamloops, BC, Canada
September 23 to December 30, 2017
Rebecca Belmore – Dana Claxton – Leah Decter – Demian Dinéyazhi’- Mark Emerak – Cliff Eyland – Félix González-Torres – Helga Jakobson – Janet Kigusiuq – Cheryl L’Hirondelle – Kent Monkman – Peter Morin – Lisa Myers – Garry Neill Kennedy – Jude Norris – Rúrí – Derek Sullivan – Justin Sorensen – Ione Thorkelsson – Rachael Thorleifson – Chih-Chien Wang – Christopher Wool
Curated by Kegan McFadden
Postulating what the future might hold, this exhibition looks to histories of survival as a starting point for a conversation about the possibilities of endurance, cross-cultural exchange and legacy. By looking at artwork that depicts survival, that alludes to hybridity and transformation, and that carries with it the physical markers of distress as part of their conceptual make-up, Since Then challenges preconceived notions of what it is to endure from both a historical and a contemporary point of view.
more: Kamloops Art Gallery
Balance – Unbalanced
Akureyri Art Museum, Ketilhús, Akureyri Iceland
September 9ᵗʰ – November 12ᵗʰ
For the past decade Rúrí (born 1951) has collected scales from different times and of different shapes and origins.
more: Akureyri Art Museum
A! Performance Festival
Akureyri Art Museum, Ketilhús and other locations
in and around Akureyri
August 31st. – September 3rd. 2017
A! Is a four-day performance festival, now held for the third time. The festival is a collaboration between Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri Culture Society, Akureyri Theatre, LÓKAL international theatre festival, Reykjavík Dance Festival, Listhús in Ólafsfjörður and Icelandic Art Center.
Rúrí will show a new performance that she has composed for the festival on September 2nd. in Akureyri Art Museum – Ketilhus.
A! Performance Festival
more on Facebook, A! Performance Festival
Hverfing/ Shape Shifting. Verksmidjan Hjalteyri, Iceland,
August 3rd. – September 3rd. 2017
NB. The exhibition has been extended to the 10th of September
A group exhibition of site-specific installations by leading contemporary artists from Iceland and the United States, who address concepts of transformation in space, form, and identity. In Icelandic, the word umhverfing encompasses complex meanings of physical surroundings, as well as movement and mutation, as in whirling, inversion, and disappearance. The term shapeshifting denotes the concept of metamorphosis, which has mythopoetic roots dating back to ancient times and across many cultures. The works in the exhibition will address these ideas as they relate to the present moment in which we find ourselves, a time of shifting global values and the crisis of climate change.
The artists; Anna Eyjólfsdóttir, Alex Czetwertynski, Deborah Butterfield, Emma Ulen-Klees, Gústav Geir Bollason, Hunter Buck, Jessica Stockholder, John Buck, Kristín Reynisdóttir, Mary Ellen Croteau, Pétur Thomsen, Ragnhildur Stefánsdóttir, Rúrí and Þórdís Alda Sigurðardóttir.
Nr.1 Umhverfing
Art exhibition at Sauðárkrókur, Iceland
July 1st. to September 10th. 2017
The venue is in two institutions; Heilbrigðisstofnun Norðurlands vestra /the Health Centre and Safnahúsið / the Culture Museum at Saudarkrokur, in Skagafjordur.
This group exhibition aims to bring contemporary art to alternative places in Iceland.
curator is: Anna Eyjólfs
represented artists: Anna María Sigurjónsdóttir – Auður Aðalsteinsdóttir – Finna Birna Steinsson – Guðbrandur Ægir Ásbjörnsson – Jóhannes Atli Hinriksson – Kristín Reynisdóttir – Ragnheiður Ragnarsdóttir – Ragnhildur Stefánsdóttir – Rúrí – Sólveig Baldursdóttir – Valgerður Bergsdóttir – Þórdís Alda Sigurðardóttir – Anna Eyjólfs
The catalogue for the exhibition is available at the Safnahús in Sauðárkrókur.
more on facebook
Other Hats: Icelandic Printmaking. International Print Center, New York
opening in April 13 – June 14 2017.
Other Hats: Printmaking in Iceland, the first exhibition in New York of prints by Icelandic artists. The exhibition features the work of prominent Icelandic artists Arnar Herbertsson, Birgir Andrésson, Eygló Harðardóttir, Georg Guðni Hauksson, Guðjón Ketilsson, Hallgrímur Helgason, Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson, Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir, Hrafnkell Sigurðsson, Katrín Sigurðardóttir, Kristján Davíðsson, Megas (Magnús Þór Jónsson), Sara Riel, Rúna, Rúrí, Sigurður Árni Sigurðsson, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir, Þóra Sigurðardóttir, and Valgerður Guðlaugsdóttir. Also included are works by Dieter Roth, Per Kirkeby, and Roni Horn, artists who are connected to Iceland.
Co-curated by Ingibjörg Johannsdóttir, a master printmaker and school headmaster, and Pari Stave, a museum administrator and freelance curator.
more: IPCNY
Photo: Dieter Roth, Hat. 1965-1966, Screenprint over photomechanical …
A catalogue on the exhibition Rúrí – Fragile Systems.
We are happy to announce that the new book is out:
Rúrí. Fragile Systems, ed. by Christian Schoen, published by North Atlantic House, graphic design by Atli Hilmarsson, Copenhagen 2016
ISBN 978-87-93411-03-6
Rúrí – Fragile Systems
at Nordatlantens Brygge
October 29th 2016 to February 5th 2017
A solo exhibition of two new installations that the artist has developed specially for the spaces of the culture center Nordatlantens Brygge in Copenhagen.
More: Nordatlantens Brygge
Water Event at the exhibition Yoko Ono: One More Story.
at Reykjavík Art Museum – Hafnarhus in Iceland
07.10.2016 til 05.02.2017
Several artists were asked to contribute to the Water Event a part of her exhibition.
The work Fount is the contribution of Rúrí.
Time – Telling, solo exhibition at LÁ Art Museum (Listasafn Árnesinga) in Hveragerdi is coming to an end.
The last day is Monday August 1st.
Open daily from 12:00 to 18:00.
Rúrí will give an Artist talk at the exhibition Time – Telling
in LÁ Art Museum in Hveragerdi,
Sunday July 17th at 15:00
The exhibition By Water
Amos Anderson Art Museum
Helsinki, Finland
opening June 3rd.
The exhibitin By Water showcases Icelandic contemporary artists’ view of water in everyday life and in art, and will be shown at multiple venues in Helsinki and Tammisaari. By Water features emerging as well as well-established artists working on a common theme across a variety of media.
Among the featured artworks is a multi channel video installation by Rúrí
Installation by Rúrí: Flooding – Nature Lost
The Icelandic Canada Art Convergence, Núna (Now), will mark its tenth year of activity with a monumental project opening on 10. June 2016, at various venues in the exchange district.
In conjunction with this celebration, Platform centre for photographic + digital arts and núna (now) are pleased to announce the exhibition Since Then, a multi-venue group show organized by curator Kegan McFadden (MB).
Over four venues PLATFORM, Urban Shaman, Actual and Window; the twenty-two exhibiting artists will include: Aisa Amittu, Garry Neill Kennedy, Janet Kigusiuq, Kent Monkman, Peter Morin, Derek Sullivan, Ione Thorkelsson, Rachael Thorleifson, Rebecca Belmore, Hekla Dögg Jónsdóttir, Cliff Eyland, Meryl McMaster, Chih-Chien Wang, Dana Claxton, Leah Decter, Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Mark Emerak, Demian DinéYazhi’, Rúrí, Jude Norris, Justin Sorensen and Helga Jakobson. Window will be co-curated by Synonym Art Consultation.
Please join us at the opening reception Friday 10 June 2016 at 7 PM at Platform. An panel discussion is scheduled for 11 June at 2 PM. All events are free and open to the public.
Exhibition | 10 June – 23 July 2016
Opening Reception | Friday 10 June | 5 PM
Panel Discussion | Saturday 11 June | 2 PM
Curatorial Tour | Saturday 16 July | 2 PM beginning at Urban Shaman
more: nunanow
The solo exhibition Time – Telling
is opening in LÁ ART MUSEUM
Hveragerdi, Iceland
May 14th. 2016
closing August 1st.
more: LÁ Art Museum
Art Center Hugo Voeten
Herentals, Belgium
on view 06.03.2016 – 30.04.2016
Water is a meaningful natural element, charged with symbolical value, that decidedly plays a part in cultural, social and political questions. It occurs in all aspects of life and has a paradoxical character. Water as a flux is a symbol of something flowing, turbulent and variable. Still water embodies calm, contemplation, stability. Next to the vital function, is water used in rituals and in function of belief, as something meditative, spiritual, with a purifying meaning.
Temporary presentation of a selection of artworks from the Hugo Voeten Collection with ‘water’ as theme.
featured artists: Thierry de Cordier – Fabrizio Plessi – Oana Fracas – Louise Bourgeois – Christo & Jeanne-Claude – Rúrí – Simeon Stoilov – Kiril Yanev, and more
more information Art Center Hugo Voeten
exhibition at Núllið,
Bankastræti 0, 101 Reykjavík
Opening March 10th. at 17:00
Dulkápan unveils their website, dulkapan.net and will throw a party to celebrate the publication of their zine. Various works of literature and art, by a number of artists, will also be on display at Núllid (Zero). Dulkápan is an archive that records literature, documents and publications by artists and designers. Over the past few months, Dulkápan has accumulated a variety of pieces for display on their website, which will now finally see the light of day, accompanied by all manner of celebratory brouhaha. Among the exhibited works are several artist’s books by Rúrí.
see more: Dulkapan
see: Items XII by Rúrí
Workshop Master Students Architecture,
University Alicante, Spain
january 16th – 19th 2016
Hoy jueves 18, finaliza el workshop que la artista islandesa Rúrí ha impartido en el ámbito del Máster de Arquitectura de la UA.
Esta breve estancia en nuestra titulación finalizará con la conferencia que la artista impartirá el viernes 19 en el Salón de Actos de la EPS1. En esta conferencia Rúrí hará un repaso de sus últimos trabajos.
Master Classes,
Centro Parraga, Murcia, Spain,
February 17th 2016
La islandesa Rúrí imparte una clase magistral en el Cendeac
L. O. El Centro de Documentación y Estudios Avanzados de Arte Contemporáneo de Murcia (Cendeac), recibe este miércoles a la artista islandesa Rúrí, quien ofrecerá una clase magistral sobre su trabajo en la que abordará las diferentes motivaciones de una persona para expresarse artísticamente o sobre si el arte puede o no arrojar luz sobre el futuro, entre otras cuestiones. Este encuentro, titulado Observaciones futuras, se celebrará en la biblioteca del Cendeac a partir de las siete de la tarde. La conferencia se impartirá en inglés, sin traducción.
The School of Photography – Iceland
Workshop: Creation – Idea developing
11th – 22nd of January 2016
The Mexican magazine features in its Winter Special the artists Elias Björn, Sabine Kacunko, Grazia Toderi, Catherine Bagnall, and Rúrí. Also featured is a conversation with Rúrí by María Fernanda Barrero,
Contributors are: María Fernanda Barrero, Emireth Herrera and Martin Patrick. Editorial by Catalina Restrepo Leongómez.
Lindur / Faunt, Vocal II
A new multi media performance by Rúrí
premiered at the Reykjavík Arts Festival in mid May
The performance is commissioned by the Reykjavik Arts Festival 2015. The Icelandic Sound Poetry Choir participates in the performing of the work together with the artist.
more coming soon on: Reykjavik Arts Festival
The Nordic Watercolour Museum
17.5 – 6.9 2015
This summer’s exhibition takes us to a volcanic island, situated where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Greenland Sea. Iceland’s barren landscape, its volcanoes, waterfalls, winds and cold never cease to fascinate. Nature’s elemental force creates harsh conditions for Iceland’s inhabitants. Their relationship with nature is characterised by both love and respect: qualities that have always coloured Icelandic culture.
The exhibition is a comprehensive presentation of Icelandic art. The emphasis is on contemporary art, but includes traces leading us back to its historical roots.
Participating artists:
Ásgrímur Jónsson, Björk, Eggert Pétursson, Erró, Gabríela Friðriksdóttir, Georg Guðni, Gunnlaugur Scheving, Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson, Jóhannes S. Kjarval, Ólafur Elíasson, Rúrí , Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir, Sólveig Aðalsteinsdóttir, Svavar Guðnason.
more: Nordiska Akvarell Museet
Installation by Rúrí: Water Vocal – Endangered III
The Culture House
Reykjavík, Iceland
March 28th 2015
A principal exhibition of Icelandic visual arts and cultural heritage. The exhibition is organized by Iceland’s three principal museums, the National Museum, the National Gallery and the Museum of Natural History as well by the National Archives, the National and University Library and the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies. The cooperation of these six institutes offers a unique opportunity to view our heritage in a new context and to shed light on an untold history in an innovative way.
Among the exhibited works is “Seven Metres” by Rúrí.
Curated by Markús Thor Andrésson.
Ákall / Challenge
January 24th – April 23rd. 2015
A group exhibition curated by Ásthildur Jónsdóttir opens in LÁ Art Museum / Listasafn Árnesinga, in Hveragerdi, Iceland.
more: LÁ Art Museum
Upheaval – Icelandic Art around and after 1970
September 27th – December 14th 2014
The exhibition is a cooperation between the National Gallery of Iceland and LÁ art Museum in Hveragerdi.
Among the 50 featured artists are Erró, Dieter Roth, Rúrí, Hildur Hákonardóttir
Iceland: Artists Respond to Space
Katonah Museum of Art
Katonah, NY, US
June 29th to September 28th 2014
featured artists: Birgir Andrésson,Eggert Pétursson, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Einar Falur Ingólfsson, Georg Guðni Hauksson, Guðjón Ketilsson, Guðrún Einarsdóttir, Katrín Sigurdardóttir, Olafur Eliasson, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Rúrí, and Þórdís Alda Sigurðardóttir. The exhibition is curated by Pari Stave.
This will be the first museum exhibition in the United State to focus exclusively on the rich and complex relationship of contemporary Icelandic artists to the singular geography of Iceland—one of the most geologically phenomenal and dynamic places on earth. (KMA originated exhibition).
… Burning Bright, Tiger, tiger
June 5 – July 31, 2014
A Group Exhibit at STUX Gallery, New York
24 West 57th Street #609, New York, NY 10019
featured artists:
Wei Dong – Sokari Douglas Camp – Margaret Evangeline – Heide Hatry – Akikazu Iwamoto – Anna Jóelsdóttir – Aaron Johnson – Yves Klein – Dana Melamed -Kosyo Minchev – Shimon Okshteyn – Rúrí – Kathy Ruttenberg – Lydia Venieri – Barnaby Whitfield – Michael Zansky –
more: Stux Gallery
The book Art & Ecology Now edited by Andrew Brown and published by Thames & Hudson is soon to be released. The cover image is from the one of the waterfalls in the artwork “Archive – Endangered Waters (2003)” which is also featured in the book.
This accessible and thought-provoking book is the first in-depth exploration of the ways in which contemporary artists are confronting nature, the environment, climate change and ecology
ISBN 9780500239162
First published 2014
more: Thames & Hudson
Rolling Snowball /5, Djúpivogur
July 12 till August 15, 2014
Opening Saturday July 12, 2014 3-5 pm
Rolling Snowball /5, Djúpivogur presents works of thirty-three visual artists from China and Europe who nearly all exhibited for or worked as artists in residence at CEAC in China. The exhibition consists of photographs, paintings, sculptures, video and drawings. An exhibition catalogue will be available.
Curators; Ineke Gudmundsson, May Lee, Annelie Musters
Featured artists; Árni Guðmundsson, Cathelijn van Goor, Chantal Spit, Erró, Hanne Tyrmi, Hrafnkell Sigurðsson, Jaring Lokhorst, Jia Zhixing, Jing Jin, Katrin Korfmann, Kristján Guðmundsson, Lotte Geeven, Marjan Laaper, Marianne Lammersen, Meiya Lin, Paul Kooiker, Pan Feifei, Peng WanlingPieter Holstein, Qin Jian, Ragnar Kjartansson, Ragna Róbertsdóttir, Renate Wernli, Rúrí, Sara Riel, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Sylvie Zijlmans, Scarlett Hooft Graafland, Teresa Eng, Þór Vigfússon, Wei Na, Xu Huijing, Zhong Zheming
Location: Bræðslan, Vikurland 6, 765 Djúpivogur, Iceland
Opening hours: every day from 11 till 16 hours
more: CEAC
Art Athina International Contemporary Art Fair of Athens
Platform Projects
Faliro Pavilion Athens, Greece
May 15th – 18th 2014
Art On Armitage will be presented at the Art Athina Platform Projects with the project “Not Quite Lysistrata”. This is the first time that Art On Armitage and the artists are presented in Greece.
Featured Artists: Rose Camastro-Pritchett (US) – Mary Ellen Croteau(US) – Anna Eyjólfsdóttir (IS) – Beth LeFauve(US) – Rúrí (IS) – Þórdís Alda Sigurðardóttir (IS)
Screened at Munich Film Museum
April 24th 2014
Powerwalk – the Film, by Thomas Huber and Wolfgang Aichner which was filmed in the glacial higlands of Iceland will be world premiered.
María Rún Jóhannsdóttir was an important crew member in Iceland.
Two video works by Rúrí will be screened; Rainbow I (1983) and Flooding – Nature Lost II (2014) which will be the world premiere.
“EZY1899: Reenactment for a Future Scenario“, 2012, by Simon Faithfull
and “passage2011“, 2012, by GÆG
more: Munich Film Museum
O Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
Stefan Stux Gallery
New York, US
February 6th – March 8th 2014
A group exhibition, featured artists;
Sokari Douglas Camp – Josef Fischnaller – Heide Hatry – Valerie Jaudon – Aaron Johnson – Dana Melamed – Dennis Oppenheim – Hamid Rahmanian – Rúrí – Kathy Ruttenberg – Kinki Texas – Barnaby Whitfield
more: Press Release
The Icebox Space – Crane Arts, in Philadelphia
January 9th – 25th 2014
Due North is an international collaboration envisioned by artist Marianne Bernstein. In January 2014, the Icebox Space in Philadelphia will be transformed into a winterscape featuring video and prints created by select artists from Philadelphia and Reykjavik.
more: Due North 2014
review: artcritical
Edith Newhall, For The Inquirer
We came into this with a shovel in our hands
The Living Art Museum
21.09.13. – 01.12.13
Curated by Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir & Eva Ísleifsdóttir
The first round of the exhibition includes work by Ásta Ólafsdóttir, Geoffrey Hendricks, Gunndís Ýr Finnbogadóttir & Maja Bekan, Halldór Ásgeirsson, Haraldur Jónsson, Ívar Valgarðsson, Joseph Beuys, Kristján Guðmundsson, Níels Hafstein, Ólafur Lárusson, Rúna Þorkelsdóttir, Rúrí, Sigurður Guðmundsson, Sindri Leifsson, Unndór Egill Jónsson and Una Margrét Árnadóttir
more: nylo
Careof DOCVA hosts the collective exhibition SOCIAL VIDEOSCAPES FROM THE NORTH focused on the nordic video production.
September 18. to October 26. 2013
The exhibition is part of the inquiry, started by Careof early in 2013, on languages, poetics and protagonists of the video in the international arena.
Social Videoscapes from the North, curated by Lorella Scacco, presents in Milan the video production of five famous artists: Maria Friberg (Sweden), Siri Hermansen (Norway), Eva Koch (Denmark), Rúrí (Iceland), Mika Taanila (Finland).
The artworks are framed in a single project on one of the defining themes of the video production of the Nordic Countries: the attention to the social landscape.
Starting from the relationship between man and society, each artist declines the theme according to his poetry, while maintaining the common denominator of a documentary approach to the narrative.
Reflections – Moss, the second part of the video tetralogy Reflections was premiered on the 13th of June 2013.
The work is located on a video-wall in the reception hall of Icelandair Hotel Reykjavik Natura.
Oulu Art Museum
Pathway – Dialogues on Northern Issues
June 15th to September 9th 2013
Pathway is an international exhibition of contemporary art, with 11 contemporary artists invited from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Russia, Iceland and Greenland. The theme of the exhibitionis life in the North, the diversity of nature, and the changes taking place in the northern regions. Pathway links together discussions about art and about society. The exhibitionhas been produced by Rovaniemi Art Museum, and the curators are Riitta Kuusikko and Patrick Huse.
more: Oulu Art Museum
Social Videoscapes from the North
Pro Artibus Foundation / Elverket, Finland
May 24th. – September 8th. 2013
Nordic video art.
Presented artists: Rúrí, Mika Taanila, Eva Koch, Siri Hermansen, Maria Friberg.
Curator: Lorella Scacco
The video-work ITEMS was originally made in 1980 as a 16 mm film.
In mid June the second part of the tetralogy video-work Reflections will be inaugurated at the Hotel Reykjavik Natura.
The first part of the tetralogy, which evolves around water, was inaugurated in the summer 2011. In the artwork the artist reflects on her experience of nature.
Rúrí: Fragile Systeme, solo exhibition at LOFT, Ansbach, and a video-performance at the Ansbacher Kammerspiele, Germany
16.3.-19.5. 2013
The exhibition has been extended to the 9th of June.
Before the opening of the exhibition, the artist will give an artist talk, followed by a video-performance as a part of the Ansbacher Kammerspiele. Rúrí: Vocal-VI Minor starting at 19.30 March 16th.
Friday 12.4., 19.30 LOFT
Rúrí: Fragile Systeme – Screening of the video works ITEMS (1980/2006), Elegy (1999/2006) and a documentary film of her most famous artwork, which became a sensation at the Venice Biennale 2003, Archive-Endangered Waters.
The installation Future Cartography will be shown at the exhibition Pathway – a Dialogue on Northern Issues in Rovaniemi Art Museum / Korundi House of Culture, in Rovaniemi, Finland.
Exhibition dates; February 23rd to May 26th 2013
Curated by Patrick Huse and Riitta Kuusikko
Rovaniemi Art Museum: Pathway
The multimedia installation Archive – Endangered Waters will be exhibited for the first time in the United States, at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC. The exhibition of the artwork is a part of the festival Nordic Cool 2013, and will be open from February 20 to the 17th of March 2013
more on:
Rúri: Aqua – Silence
Videoinstallation on LED-Screens
October 30th 2012 to January 6th 2013
Osram GmbH, Hellabrunner Strasse 1, 81543 Munich
Wasser in seinen verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen steht im Zentrum von Rúrís Videoinstallation auf den Osram SEVEN SCREENS in München. Aqua – Silence ist eine feinfühlige Video-Choreographie der isländischen Künstlerin Rúrí, die 2009 für die Lichtstelen am Mittleren Ring entstanden ist.
Seit 2009 wechseln sich Neubespielungen mit Werken aus der Sammlung ab. Nun, rechtzeitig zum Winteranfang, freut sich Osram Rúrí’s eindrucksvolle Inszenierung von Wasser, Eis und Schnee erneut zu präsentieren.
Die überwältigenden Bilder von Wellen im Ozean, Wasserfällen und Gletschern entstammen der isländischen Natur. Sie tragen die spirituelle Bedeutung des Wassers, seine die Kulturen übergreifende Verknüpfung mit dem Leben und der Vorstellung von Unendlichkeit, mit seinen gewaltigen Kräften in sich.
Mit Aqua – Silence hat Rúrí eine komplexe Videoarbeit geschaffen, die das öffentliche Bewusstsein auf das Thema Wasser lenkt. Rúrís Gesamtwerk kann als Seismograph der gesellschaftlichen Befindlichkeit gesehen werden. Das Wissen um das elementare Verhältnis zwischen Natur und Menschen bildet die Wurzel ihrer Kunst. Rúrí bezeichnet sich selbst nicht als politische Künstlerin, doch sind gesellschaftliche und ökologische Themen Grundlage ihrer Arbeiten, und es sind immer ethische Werte, die den Kern ihrer Arbeit bilden.
photo: Silvio Knesevic
New Concepts for a New World
Ars Electronica 2012
Festival for Art, Technology and Society
Linz, Austria
Thursday, August 30 to Monday, September 3, 2012
The video performance Vocal – VI will be shown, in the Deep Space, three times during the festival
Photos: Photos Ars Electronica, Vocal VI
photo credit: rubra
more on: Ars Electronica website
LOFT – Raum fur Kunst & Gegenvart
D-91522 Ansbach
27.7. - 30.9.2012
Presented artists Anouk De Clercq (BE), Alexis Dworsky (DE), Arne Rautenberg (DE), Bjørn Melhus (DE), Caroline von Grone (DE), Fides Becker (DE), Empfangshalle (DE), Frank Sauer (DE), Haraldur Jónsson (IS), Helgi Þorgils Friðjónsson (IS), Julia Kissina (DE), Kalle & Augusta Laar (DE), Katja Eckert (DE), Lizza May David (DE), M+M (DE), Matthias Schwab (DE), Nikole Schuck (DE), Peter Riss (DE), Peter Senoner (DE), Rúrí (IS), Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir (IS), Thomas Huber (DE), Thomas Thiede (DE), Tobias Regensburger (DE), Wolfgang Aichner (DE)
In cooperation with Ansbacher Kaspar-Hauser Festival 2012. Christian Schoen and Monika Tress
More: Loft www
Climate – Change – Minds
Travelling exhibition
July 16th to August 16th 2012
German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany
Climate – Change – Minds , a travelling group exhibition. Eight artists from Europe, Latin Amerika and Afrika have made works that touch the subject of Climate change. Mathias Braschler und Monika Fischer (CH), Simon Faithfull (UK), René Francisco (CU), Wolfgang Aichner und Thomas Huber (DE), Kalle Laar (DE), Misheck Masamvu (ZW), Rúrí (IS), Res Ingold (CH) und Stephan Andreae (DE).
German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, Germany July 16th to August 16th 2012
Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany; May 22nd 2012
German Press Release
Future Cartography
ASI Art Museum, May 19th to July 1st 2012
Future Cartography is an installation that is created for the large space at ASI Art Museum, and consists of several large scale drawings.
National Gallery of Iceland
19.5. – 31.12. 2012
The installation, Archive – Endangered Waters, 2003, has been on display at the National Gallery since early March 2012, as a part of Rúrí’s retrospective. Now, 2012 – during the European year dedicated to water – the installations continues on display together with some other works of the artist that evolve around water, works that put forward pressing questions on the theme.
Due to busy exhibition schedule of the installation Archive – Endangered Waters, the closing date will be brought forward to November 24th.
Amos Anderson Art Museum
23 May, 5 pm
Artist talk – Book presentation – Video-performance
Christian Schoen, the editor of the comprehensive monograph and curator of the retrospective exhibition at the National Gallery of Iceland, will introduce Rúrí‘s work and moderate the artist talk.
ASI Art Museum, May 19th to July 1st 2012
Future Cartography
The exhibition is one of the Independent Projects of (I)ndependent People – Collaborations and Artist Initiatives
Reykjavik Arts Festival 2012
ASÍ Art Museum
(I)ndependent People; curator Jonatan Habib Engqvist, project manager Kristín Scheving
Future Cartography is made in cooperation with Gunnlaugur M. Einarsson, geographer.
During the Festival Air d’Islande 2012 , in Paris, Laufey Helgadóttir, Appart_323, will host a presentation of some selected works by Rúrí.
The monograph Rúrí will be introduced at the same occasion. The authors of the book are Laufey Helgadóttir, Dorothea van der Koelen, Halldór Björn Runólfsson, Christian Schoen and Gunnar J. Árnason, edited by Christian Schoen.
more at: http://airdislande.com/festival2012_art.html
April 16th. to 21st. by appointment only.
For booking a visit contact Laufey Helgadottir by e-mail: laufey@noos.fr , or telephone: 06 10 80 70 84
Rúrí will be performing Vocal VI Minor at the National Gallery of Iceland Thursday 29. March at 17:00. More
The book RÚRÍ has been awarded; FÍT 2012 – Graphic Design in Iceland Award in the category Book Design.
Designers: Atli Hilmarsson & Hörður Lárusson, Vinnustofa Atla Hilmarssonar
Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Minister of Education, Science and Culture opened the main exhibition in the National Gallery of Iceland on March 2. A separate part will open in Kubburinn, Art Academy of Iceland at Laugarnes Friday March 9. at 16:00.
The Embassy of Iceland in Germany and Hatje Cantz Verlag invite to a book presentation of the publications „Icelandic Art Today“ and the Monograph „Rúrí“
The editor Christian Schoen will present the book, followed by an artist talk. And then the artist will give the video-performance „Vocal-VI Minor“.
The Nordic Embassies – Felleshus, FelleshusRauchstr. 1, 10787 Berlin.
Tuesday February 7th, at 19:00
Die Botschaft von Island und der Hatje Cantz Verlag
laden Sie und Ihre Begleitung herzlich ein zur Präsentation der Publikation „Icelandic Art Today“ und der Monografie „Rúrí“
mit anschließender Videoperformance der Künstlerin
am Dienstag, dem 7. Februar 2012, um 19 Uhr
im Gemeinschaftshaus der Nordischen Botschaften, Rauchstr. 1, 10787 Berlin.
Die Monografie „Rúri“ wird von der Künstlerin gemeinsam mit Dr. Christian Schoen in englischer Sprache präsentiert. Im Anschluss zeigt sie die zehnminütige Videoperformance „Vocal-VI“, die sich kritisch mit dem ökologischen Ungleichgewicht auseinandersetzt.
Upcoming: March 3rd – May 5th 2012
Rúrí – Retrospective exhibition
National Gallery of Iceland
Reykjavík, Iceland
curator Christian Schoen
Saturday November 5th. at 14:30
On the occasion of the launching of the monograph Rúrí in the Deep Space at Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria, the editor Christian Schoen will present the book, followed by an artist talk. And the artist will show a new video performance.
The first comprehensive monograph on the artist, with a catalogue raisonné.
Edited by: Christian Schoen
Texts by: Laufey Helgadóttir, Dorothea van der Koelen, Halldór Björn Runólfsson, Christian Schoen and Gunnar J. Árnason
Language: English 208 pages, 296 images, hard cover
Hatje Cantz (Ostfildern) 2011 ISBN 978-3-7757-2995-6
more informatin / order Hatje Cantz
The book is available at art museums in Reykjavík
Ruri Book pages Desolation
Ruri Book pages Relativity
Ruri Book pages_Dedication